Enroll in the Recreational Marine Fishing Registry

All anglers (16 years and older) fishing in New York's Marine & Coastal District must enroll in the Recreational Marine Fishing Registry when angling for the fish species listed below. Anglers fishing for shark and tuna must also apply for NOAA Fisheries Highly Migratory Species permit. Visit Recreational Shark Fishing for information about prohibited shark species and shark fishing in New York.
The Registry is not required for harvesting crabs, lobsters, whelk, or shellfish.
- A Lobster Recreational Permit is required for New York State residents to harvest lobsters.
- Visit Crabbing in New York for more information on how to get started crabbing.
- For recreational shellfishing information, visit Shellfish Harvest Limits.
Find fishing locations using DEC's Marine Boat Ramp and Fishing Access Interactive Map, and for more information, visit Public Access to New York's Marine Waters. For information on safe fish handling and using circle hooks, visit Best Practices for Saltwater Fishing.
Saltwater Fishing Limits
*Regulations were last changed on June 12, 2024 and are subject to change at any time.*
Species | Minimum Size Limits (Total Length in Inches) (1) | Possession Limits (Number of Fish) | Open Seasons |
Winter Flounder | 12" | 2 | April 1 - May 30 |
Striped Bass: Hudson River (north of George Washington Bridge) (2) See Tidal Hudson River Regulations for more information. | Slot size: 23" - 28" | 1 | April 1 - Nov 30 |
Striped Bass: marine waters (beginning at the Hudson River south of George Washington Bridge) & Delaware River (2) | Slot size: 28" - 31" | 1 | April 15 - Dec 15 |
*2024 UPDATED REGULATION* Scup (Porgy) (3) | Shore-based anglers: 9.5" Vessel-based anglers: 11" | 30 | May 1 - Dec 31 |
2024 UPDATED REGULATION* Scup (Porgy) (3) PARTY/CHARTER BOAT ANGLERS | 11” | 30 30 | May 1 - Aug 31 Sept 1 - Oct 31 |
*2024 UPDATED REGULATION* Summer flounder (fluke) (4) | 19" 19.5" | 3 | May 4 - Aug 1 Aug 2 - Oct 15 |
Black Sea Bass (5) | 16.5" | 3 6 | June 23 - Aug 31 Sept 1 - Dec 31 |
Oyster Toadfish | 10" | 3 | July 16 - May 14 |
Tautog (blackfish): Long Island Sound Region Marine and coastal district waters lying east of the Throgs Neck Bridge and west of a line that runs from Orient Point, NY to Watch Hill, RI | 16" | 2 3 | April 1 - April 30 Oct 11 - Dec 9 |
Tautog (blackfish): NY Bight Region Marine and coastal district waters lying outside of the Long Island Sound Region | 16" | 2 4 | April 1 - April 30 Oct 15 - Dec 22 |
American Eel | 9" | 25 for individuals 50 for anglers aboard licensed party/charter boats | All year |
American Eel (New York City: Harlem and East Rivers, Hudson River north to Troy Dam) See Tidal Hudson River Regulations for more information. | 9" - 14" for use as bait only, otherwise possession prohibited | 25 for use as bait only, otherwise possession prohibited | All year for use as bait only, otherwise possession prohibited |
Atlantic cod | 23" | 5 | Sept 1 - May 31 |
Atlantic menhaden | No size limit | 100 | All year |
Bluefish (including "snappers") | No size limit | 3 for individuals 5 for anglers aboard licensed party/charter boats | All year |
Cobia | 37" | Fishing from shore: 1 per angler Fishing from vessel: 1 per vessel | All year |
Haddock | 18" | No limit | All year |
Hickory Shad | No size limit | 5 | All year |
King mackerel | 23" | 3 | All year |
Monkfish (goosefish) | 17" or 11" tail length | No limit | All year |
Pollock | 19" | No limit | All year |
Red drum | No size limit | No limit for fish less than 27" TL Fish greater than 27" TL shall not be possessed | All year |
Spanish mackerel | 14" | 15 | All year |
Weakfish | 16" 10" filleted (6) 12" dressed (7) | 1 | All year |
Yellowtail flounder | 13" | No limit | All year |
Anadromous river herring (alewife and blueback herring) (north of George Washington Bridge) (8) See Tidal Hudson River Regulations for more information. | No size limit | 10 per angler or 50 per boat | March 15 - June 15 |
Anadromous river herring (alewife and blueback herring) (south of George Washington Bridge) | No possession | No possession allowed | No possession allowed |
American shad See Tidal Hudson River Regulations for more information. | No possession | No possession allowed | No possession allowed |
Atlantic sturgeon | Moratorium | No possession allowed | No possession allowed |
(1) Total length is the longest straight line measurement from the tip of the snout, with the mouth closed, to the longest lobe of the tail, with the lobes squeezed together, and the fish laid flat on the measuring device.
(2) Non-offset (inline) circle hooks must be used when recreationally fishing for striped bass using bait defined as any live or dead, whole or part of a marine or aquatic organism or terrestrial invertebrate. Exemption: Circle hooks are not required when fishing with an artificial lure, whether or not they are tipped with bait as previously defined.
(3) A party/charter boat customer who lands and possesses more than 30 scup during September 1 - October 31 must obtain a dated original fare receipt from the licensed vessel.
(4) Summer flounder may not have heads or tails removed or be otherwise cleaned, cut, filleted, or skinned until brought to shore, with the following exception: the white side fillet or white skin only of a legal size fluke may be removed to use as bait. The carcass of the fluke with dark side completely intact must be retained for inspection of size limit and counts against the possession limit.
(5) Black sea bass are measured from the tip of the snout (or jaw), with the mouth closed, to the farthest extremity of the tail, not including the tail filament.
(6) The fillet length is the longest straight line measurement from end to end of any fleshy side portion of the fish cut lengthwise away from the backbone, which must have the skin intact, laid flat on the measuring device.
(7) Dressed length is the longest straight line measurement from the most anterior portion of the fish, with the head removed, to the longest lobe of the caudal fin(tail), with the caudal fin intact and with the lobes squeezed together, laid flat on the measuring device.
(8) Anadromous river herring is defined in 6 NYCRR Part 10 (except the Hudson River and its tributaries and embayments north of the George Washington Bridge at river mile 11).
Recreational Shark Minimum Size and Possession Limits
Category | Species | Minimum Size Limit | Daily Possession Limit |
Allowed Sharks | tiger, blacktip, bull, lemon, nurse, spinner, blue, oceanic whitetip, porbeagle, common thresher | 54 inches fork length (1) | One shark per vessel per trip, except that one additional Atlantic Sharpnose and one additional Bonnethead may be taken and possessed per angler per trip. |
great hammerhead, scalloped hammerhead, smooth hammerhead | 78 inches fork length (1) | ||
Atlantic sharpnose, bonnethead, finetooth | No size limit | ||
smooth dogfish, spiny dogfish | No size limit | Any number | |
Prohibited Sharks | Atlantic angel, basking, bigeye sand tiger, bigeye thresher, bignose, blacknose, Caribbean sharpnose, dusky, Galapagos, longfin mako, narrowtooth, night, reef, sand tiger, sandbar, sharpnose sevengill, Shortfin mako, silky, bigeye sixgill, bluntnose sixgill, smalltail, whale, and white. | Take (2) or Possession Prohibited | Take (2) or Possession Prohibited |
*Regulations were last changed on April 17, 2024, and are subject to change at any time.*
(1) Fork length means the straight-line measurement of a fish from the tip of the snout to the fork of the tail. The measurement is not made along the curve of the body.
(2) "Take" is defined in New York's Environmental Conservation Law (Section 11-0103 13) and includes pursuing, capturing and killing sharks. Any angler who is making an effort to catch a prohibited shark species is pursuing or targeting that species in violation of 6 NYCRR 40.7(c)(1). Do not fish for or target prohibited sharks in New York waters.
Other provisions: All landed sharks must have head, tails and fins attached. No sale allowed. No finning. Sharks, excluding spiny dogfish, shall not be taken for commercial or recreational purposes by baited hooking except with the use of non-stainless steel non-offset circle hooks. No person shall conduct, sponsor or participate in any shark tournament unless said tournament's rules and regulations require the exclusive use of non-stainless steel, non-offset circle hooks.
View Recreational Shark Limits (PDF) for information about additional recreational shark fishing requirements and regulations.
Recreational Crab, Lobster, and Whelk Limits
State law limits recreational harvest to no more than 50 crabs of any single species or combination of species may be possessed per person per day. At no time may a person be in possession of more than the daily recreational limit of five horseshoe crabs.
Species | Minimum Size (Inches) | Daily Possession Limit | Open Season |
American lobster (1) Recreational permit required | 3 3/8" minimum carapace length 5 1/4" maximum carapace length | 6 | LMA 4: closed April 30 - May 31 LMA 6: closed Sept 8 - Nov 28 All other LMAs: open all year Click here to view a large map of LMAs. Descriptions & locations of lobster management areas (LMAs) are available in Part 44: Lobster and Crab Regulations |
Blue crab (1) Hard shell Soft shell Peeler/Shedder (2) | 4 1/2" 3 1/2" 3" | 50 | All year |
Jonah Crab (1) | 4 3/4" | All year | |
All Other Crabs (1) (except blue and jonah crabs) | No size limit | All year | |
Horseshoe crabs | No size limit | 5 | All year |
Whelk | All waters of NYS Marine & Coastal District except Long Island Sound: 5 ½ inches shell length OR 2 ¼ inches shell height | 24 | All year |
Long Island Sound: 5 inches in length OR 2 inches in height |
*Regulations were last changed on May 11, 2022, and are subject to change at any time.*
(1) Lobsters and crabs with eggs may not be taken or possessed.
(2) Peeler/shredder is when the crab is about to molt or shed its hard outer shell. At this stage, the crab has a fully formed soft shell beneath the hard outer shell. The impending shedding process is evident by the white coloration along the outer rim of the paddle-like appendages on the crab's fifth pair of legs.
Other provisions: Terrapin Excluder Devices (TEDs) must be used on all non-collapsible crab pots or traps that are fished in creeks, coves, rivers, tributaries, and near-shore harbors of the Marine and Coastal District. TEDs shall be securely fastened inside each funnel entrance of the crab pot to effectively reduce the size of the funnel opening to no larger than 4-3/4 inch by 1-3/4 inch. An interactive map is available for reference.
Download and Print Recreation Saltwater Fishing Regulations
- Recreational Saltwater Fishing Limits (PDF)
- Recreational Shark Fishing Limits (PDF)
- Recreational Crab, Lobster, and Whelk Limits (PDF)
Translations for Saltwater Fishing Regulations
Below are copies of New York Saltwater Fishing Regulations in Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Korean. For additional language access services, contact DEC Division of Marine Resources at [email protected] or call 631-444-0430.